NURR- New Urban-Rural Relationships
De nouvelles relations urbains-ruraux

A PEKEA Working Group

NEW ----- This groupe organizes on the 6-7-8 November 2008,
at University of Rennes 2, France, its 2nf International Conference on the theme
"Participatory Agriculture - Why, How, Up to Where?" .

The previsionnal programme in English is downloadable by clicking this link: programme in English

You can also download by clicking une version en japonais- nihongo - a Japanese version

ou encore sur ce lien une version en français

Contributions and debates with researchers from different social sciences are due to take place in French and Japanse with simultaneous translation. Six sessions are organised :

1) What is Agriculture for people within a society?
2) Modalities of relationships and of exchanges put under scrutiny by Direct Sales practice
3) Lessons from the history of "Teikei" movement in Japan
4) Agriculture and its spaces, interactions between citizens and local authorities
5) Personal and Socio-territorial Changes with Farmers Practising Direct Sales
6) Teikei and Amap : inspirations, differentiations and evolutions

The call for proposals may be still found by clicking this link You may also find a Japanese Version by clicking Japanese

A PEKEA Working Group

New Urban-Rural Relationships between city dwellers and country-side farmers are enhanced through various kinds of relationships and for example new forms of direct sales of local farm products. A working group with French (Breton) and Japanese researchers, activists and farmers is in operation to analyse this interesting phenomenon. The interest is not mainly in the contents of these exchanges (to be sure it is interesting to get safe food, to avoid unuseful long distance transportation etc;) but what is the most important is the renewal of relationships building a kind od partnership economy

Coordinators :
Ms Hiroko Amemiya, Ethnology, France and Mr Tatsuro Suehara, Anthropology, Japan

A few texts are available only from this page. For all texts you may send a comment to their authors or to the coordinators.

List of texts prepared for this page

Texts that have been presented at previous PEKEA's conferences

List of, and access to texts prepared for this page

" Une approche des motivations des agriculteurs qui pratiquent la vente directe en Bretagne "

Mr Yvon Le Caro, Geography, maître de conférences à l'Université Rennes 2, UMR CNRS 6590 ESO Espaces et sociétés,
and Mr Ronan Daniel, Political Economy, doctorant à l'Université Rennes 1, laboratoire CREREG,

" Vente directe et organisation de l'espace périurbain "

Mr Gilles Maréchal, Fédération Régionale des Centres d'Initiatives pour Valoriser l'Agriculture et le Milieur Rural de Bretagne,

"Economie " sauvage " et vente directe ( déclin et résurgences des pratiques communautaires de l'agriculture en Bretagne "
Mr Tristan Arbousse-Bastide, Archeology, Rennes,
"Primitive" economy and direct selling of farm products (long summary)

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Texts that have been discussed during previous PEKEA's Conferences

PEKEA 2004 Conference in Bangkok Session C-1
Chair and co-Chair : Ms Anne Françoise TAISNE,

5- Fair Trade / Exchange and Cooperation between groups (communities - regions - nations)
Gilles MARECHAL (Mr), France, Activist, "New farmers, from standards to real life"
Hiroko AMEMIYA (Ms), France, Ethnology, " The potential of direct sales of agricultural products for a new dynamic of city-countryside relationships"
Hitoshi YAKUSHIIN (Mr), Japan, Sociology, "The role of local shops in the consumer society, the example of "sekime" in Osaka"

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PEKEA 2005 Conference in Rennes
Workshops and parallel sessions/ Ateliers et sessions parallèles

Discussion led by : Amemiya, Hiroko , Ms, Acad, Ethnology, France, Rennes

5- FJ: City-Countryside Relationships: Direct Sales of Farm Products / Relations villes-campagnes : ventes directes de produits de la ferme

Aneha, Aki, Ms, Acad, Political Economy, Japan, "Practical Analyses on the possibility of Community Supported Agriculture in Niigata Prefecture; Organic Relations between local Agriculture and School Lunches»-J

Miura, Atsushi, Mr, Acad, Anthropology, Japan, " Le caractère social et culturel des coopératives agricoles au Japon, comparé avec des cas en France et aux Philippines "

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