List of Working Groups

Since 2002, a few working groups have been set up here and there and their members have met locally or on the occasion of one or several of our annual world conferences (5 conferences up to now).
Click this line to go to the general presentation of the different Working Groups
that are in operation or that would be in process of being set up.

A few groups have opened a page in our website. This page is a door open to make contacts through one or a few coordinators; it is also an access to texts prepared by participants to the working groups; selected by the coordinators, these texts mention an e-mail address, offering to the reader the possibility to react.

List of Working Groups
Click the line of a specific Working Group
to go to its webpage when it is in operation .

1. Internal Organisation/Motivation of Teams - Groups, for Activities of Value Creation

-SSE- Social and Solidarity Economy
-ME- Moral Economy
-EDU- Education
-ESC- Enterprise as a Societal Cell
-PF- Participatory firm
-PST- Personal and Social Transformation

2. Exchange and Cooperation between Groups, Communities, Regions, Nations

-LA- Localized Arrangements
-FT- Fair trade
-NURR- New Urban-Rural Relationships

3. Collective choice and decision making processes

-ABR- Access for all to Basic Resources
-PDEM- Participatory democracy
-ISP- International Sharing of Production

4. New concepts for a new paradigm of knowledge

-NUSS- Non-Utilitarian Social Science
-FCF- Feasible Common Future
-LISP- Local Indicators for Societal Progress
-NTG- New Taxonomy of Goods
-LAB- Labour/Activities
-NC- New Curriculum
-NPKB- New Processes of Knowledge Building

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